Alcohol & Drug Treatment Center
Pathways offers innovative inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation programs for adolescents and adults with alcohol and/or drug addiction. Situated on a wooded, eight-acre parcel of land in Annapolis, Md., Pathways was designed with the physical, emotional and social needs of the patients in mind.
Pathways is guided by the philosophy that addiction is a progressive illness, treatable through professional and compassionate care, strong family involvement, education and ongoing support. The goal is to help each individual attain the physical, emotional and social tools that light the path to a fulfilling personal recovery.
Pathways' programs are designed with respect for the needs of the individual and the family, as well as the needs of the community, the employer and the provider. The primary focus is the individual -- and how to help him or her regain self-respect and become an integrated person.
2620 Riva Rd
Annapolis MD 21401
Tel: 410 573-5400; 800 322-5858; 443 481-1235
Fax: 410 573-5401
