Crossroads Centers - Baltimore City
Crossroads Centers provides quality outpatient addiction treatment services to adults (in Baltimore City, Baltimore County, and Frederick) and adolescents (in Frederick) who are struggling with chemical dependency problems. Our programs have been licensed by the State of Maryland and accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) continually since 1992.
Crossroads Centers
2100 N Charles St
Baltimore MD 21218
Tel: 410 752-6505
We believe that:
* Addiction to alcohol and/or other drugs is a disease.
* This disease is chronic, progressive and, if left untreated, potentially fatal.
* All aspects of an individual’s life - physical, emotional and spiritual - are affected.
* Abstinence from all mood-altering drugs is essential to recovery;
* Involvement in self-help groups is an indispensable element of recovery.
* Addiction is an illness that affects the entire family.
* Having families engage in the recovery process enhances an individual’s success.
Treatment When You Need It
Crossroads Centers provides high-level professional care for those who have problems with alcohol and/ or other drugs. We schedule appointments within 24 hours of your call. Our professional staff will complete an assessment and determine, with you, what level of treatment is appropriate for you.
Treatment That Works
Crossroads Centers brings together family, employer, community resources and self-help groups to address the multiple problems that clients bring to treatment. To these we add therapeutic and educational services to provide support and structure for long-term recovery.
Crossroads Centers staff keeps up to date on the latest approaches to effective and efficient care for those with alcohol and drug problems. Our Intensive Outpatient Program meets three times weekly for three hours each session. It is followed by a weekly Relapse Prevetion Group that focuses on helping clients experiment with and become successful using the tools of recovery.
Our program is built around the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous that have helped thousands of alcohol and drug users find the new support systems that help foster healthy and strong recovery programs.
Team of Professionals
Our staff are Certified Chemical Dependency Counselors each with many years of experience. They apply their considerable skills to provide structured, caring services to the addicted individual and his or her family. The Crossroads Centers team also coordinates care closely with referring community practitioners, employers, and legal professionals to assure the most effective approach to supporting the client.
Help Begins With A Phone Call
We are available to discuss your needs or those of your family member, employee or client. All assessments are completed by chemical dependency professionals and are completely confidential.
For more information, e-mail us or call one of our convenient offices.
* Confidential Assessment and Evaluations
* Pre-treatment for court-referrals
* Court appearances
Urine Toxicology Screening
* Early Intervention (Education)
* Appropriate Referrals When Needed
* Interventions
* Public Education Programs
* Individual Counseling
* DOT Evaluation, Treatment, and Follow Up
* SAP Service
* Detoxification Services
* Intensive Outpatient Program
* Confidential Assessment & Evaluation
* Outpatient Program for the Health Care Professional (PROP)
* Adolescent Intensive Outpatient and Prevention Programs
* Family Programs
* Specialized Groups
* DWI Programs
* Education
* Intervention
Crossroads Centers... where paths to recovery converge.
